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اندام آنوروژنیک
Strikingly, these aneurogenic limbs did regenerate.
When researchers compared the expression of nAG of normal limbs with that of both denervated limbs and these aneurogenic limbs, they discovered that the aneurogenic limbs had a uniquely high level of nAG expression in the epidermis (FIGURE 22.22A; Kumar et al. 2011).
Moreover, upon limb amputation, nAG increased first in the nerve sheath of normal limbs, but was present throughout the blastema in the aneurogenic limbs (FIGURE 22.22B).
(A) Expression of nAG protein (green) is localized to a small subset of epidermal cells in the normal and denervated limbs during development but is highly upregulated throughout the epidermis of aneurogenic limbs.
In the regenerating aneurogenic limb, nAG is upregulated throughout the limb blastema.
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